Trying to be a more sustainable business?

Trying to be a more sustainable business?
Sustainability, the Alsco Uniforms Way
When you choose Alsco, you choose sustainability. At Alsco, we value the environment. We work to make our own processes more sustainable, we source our products from vendors who prioritize sustainability.
We believe it’s the right thing to do.
Here's What Alsco Uniforms' Doing To Be More Sustainable:
Choosing Sustainable Partners
- Our mat vendor recycles 1.25 million pounds of rubber from mats annually.
- We work with laundry chemical suppliers that innovate our NPE-free formulas for increased water and energy efficiency without sacrificing hygienic cleanliness.
- Our table linens are made with fabric created in the U.S. that have a 50-80% longer life cycle than typical imported linen, which saves on water and energy needed to create new linen.
- Choose classic dust and wet mops that are made with 80% post-consumer recycled content.
- Our uniform supplier chooses eco-friendly fabrics when constructing uniforms provided by Alsco.
Choosing To Be A Sustainable Service
- We have achieved a 50% reduction in water use at our facilities over the past 10 years.
- Our reusable products reduce waste in landfills.
- A-TrackSM, Our online account management system, reduces waste by eliminating paper invoices and statements.
- Our delivery routes are designed to produce the lowest levels of gasoline emission.

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