We often point out the financial and hygienic benefits of professionally laundered linens. Professional laundering frequently saves money by eliminating the need to continually invest in new products. In terms of hygiene, professional laundering speaks for itself. Our certified hygienically clean linens arrive at your door free of bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.
There are intangible benefits as well, some of which will be discussed in this post. Needless to say, we hope you’ll consider professional laundering for your restaurant and hospital linens. Alsco Uniforms has a full selection of great products we think you will find useful. We guarantee 100% satisfaction on all our linens as well.
Class and Elegance
Here at Alsco Uniforms, we like to say that our professionally laundered restaurant and hospital linens add a touch of class and elegance to your business. This is not just a marketing ploy. Additional class and elegance are obvious when we compare professionally laundered linens with what we all use at home. Just as there is a difference between professional and home use, there is a difference between professional and home laundering.
Take our table linens, for example. We employ a time-tested method of laundering and processing table linens that ensures consistency in color and quality. Our table linens always look good, no matter how many times they have been laundered. And when certain pieces begin to wear out, we remove them from the inventory and replace them. Our customers are never given old and worn-looking linens that do not belong on their tables.
The same is true about our hospital linens. Imagine a bed topped with a soft patient blanket that looks almost as new as the day it was ordered. Properly laundered patient blankets can make a hospital bed look elegant while remaining safe and hygienic.
Visual Consistency
Another intangible benefit of professionally laundered linens is visual consistency. Depending on your industry, this might be more important than you know. We’ll use the restaurant industry as an example. Elegant sit-down restaurants featuring tablecloths and cloth napkins should present a certain look that instills confidence in customers.
Imagine a dining room with dozens of tables, each featuring a tablecloth in a slightly different shade. Maybe all the tablecloths were originally forest green, but some have faded faster than others. A lack of consistency in color plants a seed of doubt in guests’ minds. They may lose confidence in the restaurant’s claim to care about the guest experience.
Visual consistency is not a minor thing. From tablecloths to aprons and bedsheets, consistency demonstrates effort. Organizations that put forth their best effort to serve guests demonstrate that same effort in everything they do.
Peace of Mind
Finally, professionally laundered linens offer business owners and managers peace of mind — an intangible benefit you might find priceless. The fewer headaches there are to worry about, the more you and your staff can focus your attentions on serving your customers.
We offer peace of mind through regularly scheduled linen deliveries right to your door. Additional peace of mind comes from knowing that our products arrive hygienically clean. Any problem you encounter with your order can be handled by your dedicated route professional on the spot.
If you are laundering your own restaurant, hotel, medical, or hospital linens in-house, we would like to speak with you. Give us an opportunity to demonstrate how professional laundering can make a world of difference. In addition to saving money and improving hygiene, professional laundering offers intangible benefits we think you will appreciate.